Sunday 8 March 2020

My Frugal Tasks 8/3/20

This week has been interesting to say the least. With the coronavirus spreading, many in the world are panicking and have been bulk buying toilet paper, hand sanitizer, disinfectant, soap and long life milk. It was my shopping day on Friday and I normally shop for the fortnight. It was a shock to see these items sold out in all of the 3 shops we went to. 
People are panicking. I am relieved I've been stockpiling for a couple of years and have enough food and cleaning products to keep my family fed and healthy in an emergency. However, hubby and I also realised there are some gaps and we aim to look at how to improve this. 
At home we have a volunteer butternut pumpkin vine growing. It has taken over the veggie garden! 
Some ways I got ahead this week were:

-Picked the last of the grapes and gave some to friends.
-Baked some sugar-free banana and blueberry muffins for snacks.
-Updated my food inventory and "shopped" from my freezer and pantry to save money groceries.
-Meal planned for the next fortnight. 
-Received half a fruit cake, gingerbread and lovely plants from a friend.
-Bought a yellow egg dish from an op-shop for $2. This will look nice on display with Easter coming up.
-I also bought a 10kg bag of potatoes which was on sale for $2.99 and there was also magic erasers at 2 boxes for $3. These are great for cleaning the glass shower door and are large so I cut them in half! 

How was your week?

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