Sunday 22 March 2020

My Frugal Tasks 22/3

Mr 13 came down sick this week, then passed it on to me and Miss 21. Its taken me a few days to feel right again. I had a blood test recently and got my results back which showed that everything was fine except my iron which was 5 out of an ideal 20-30. The doctor told me she doesnt know how I cope! I told her I feel tired a lot of the time and manage my time so I can have an hour nap in the afternoon! I've done this for the last few years and just thought my exhaustion was due to the medication I am on. I started taking some iron supplements on Monday and I am already feeling less tired during the day. 
The world is an uncertain place at the moment with the Corona Virus. Here in Western Australia, universities have closed and have switched to online only and we are advised to stay 4  square metres away from others when outside of the house. Pubs, clubs, churches, cafes, theatres and the casino are now closed and public transport has stopped. School is still open for now, but the Premier will be making an announcement tomorrow regarding this. The Australian borders have closed and all flights have been cancelled indefinately. Things are changing on a daily basis and the number of sick keeps rising which can be really overwhelming. Store shelves are still empty. Pasta sauce and sugar is now added to the list of items which are hard to find. Along with flour, yeast, rice, pasta long-life milk, tinned fruit, vegetables, meat, toilet paper, tissues and napkins. 

We will all have to make the best of this situation and think of what we can do for our families and community. Whether that is sewing washable toilet cloths, planting a vegetable garden, avoiding the shops and eating out our pantries or checking up on friends or neighbours. We are not powerless and there are many things we can do to right now. Try and keep busy and productive around our homes. 

Here are some of the ways I got ahead this week: 
-Made a pot of lentil soup to eat for lunches during the week. This was lovely when I was sick! 
-Hubby bought a meat pack from the Foodbank truck. 
-Went to the Foodbank which was very empty, though we did get some pumpkin, peaches, mango, yoghurt, bean dip and vegan cream cheese. 
-I cut the peaches and made some into a peach crumble and the rest were dehydrated. I also cut the mangoes and put them in the dehydrator.
-Baked a sugar free banana bread for afternoon teas.
-Planted some kale and thyme seeds which we found on a verge collection.
-Took advantage of the sunny weather and washed the bed linen.
-Cooked a batch of rice and vegetables for the dogs. This will accompany their dry food and meat.
-Colored my hair at home.
-Sewed some more fabric face masks for my family. 
-Gratefully received some nuts, muesli bars, and lollies from a friend.
Please try and stay positive healthy and safe xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mel. I recently found out too that I have low iron stores. I understand just feeling so tired.

    I made a big pot of split-pea soup on the weekend. I put in bacon bones, veg and lots of herbs from our garden. Norishing and delicious.
    I have celery and capsicum I need to chop and freeze for next time I make soup.

    I made plain, unsweetened yoghurt this week. It's lovely with tinned or fresh fruit for a snack.

    I planted some seedlings last weekend and have tuscan kale seeds to sow into empty egg cartons soon.

    I also picked ip a knitting project I started last Autumn. Hopefully, I will actially finish this shawl this time!

    Stay well!
