Sunday 20 September 2020

Savings Sunday 20/9/20

The exciting news I mentioned last week was we have paid off our mortgage! We had a family dinner of homemade lasagna, garlic bread and chocolate cake (complete with a 30c candle) to celebrate. I don't think it has sunk in yet, this is something we've strived really hard for years to achieve! 

Juiced oranges from our garden, cooked a large lasagna and a big pot of Thai green chicken curry to have a couple of nights off from cooking. 

Mr 19 sorted out his room and gave me a birthday gift bag, bow and shredded paper, he knows I reuse gift wrapping where possible. He also gave Mr 14 some of his "outdated" socks, which were like new. I love when he declutters as we all end up with all kinds of cool stuff! 

I installed the Honey browser extension and saved $7 on some Christmas gifts. I bought makeup from Australis with a 50% off sale on everything and free postage. I needed mascara and Miss 21 and I both needed more foundation. I also got some lipsticks were $3.50 on clearance so I got them for $1.25 each!

Hubby picked up some free crumpets, English muffins, bread, celery, cucumber and a bunch of white roses from the community centre.

A friend gave us a couple of pairs of jeans and a grocery bag full of cat food from one of her clients who had a cat that passed away.
Another friend dropped off a hamper from her church. This had frozen vegetables, milk, bread, apple pies (lots of pies, so we gave some to our neighbours) juice, cakes, sausage rolls and meat pies, potatoes, lettuce and soup pouches which I reheated for dinner with some rice. We were really blessed this week! 


  1. congratulations on being mortgage free, it is such a wonderful feeling

  2. What a wonderful achievement! You must be so thrilled with owning your home outright and not having anymore mortgage payments. Congratulations!
