Sunday 23 February 2020

My Frugal Tasks 23/2/20

The weather here has been really humid over the last week. I am looking forward to it hopefully cooling down soon! This week I got ahead by:
-Planned dinners for the fortnight based on what we had on hand and updated my food inventory list.
-Collected some free fruit, vegetables and bread from our local community centre.
-Did the grocery shopping at Aldi and picked up two extra packets of turkey mince which was on special for $3.99 a kilo.
-Went to Foodbank and got some apples, broccoli, high protein yoghurt, stir-fry sauce, party sausage rolls and protein enriched pancake mix.
-Picked around 10 kilos of grapes from our vine. We gave some to neighbours, friends and donated the rest to a local community centre. 
-Chopped and dried the chillies from our garden for later use.
-The suburb next to us had a verge collection so we picked up some Christmas ornaments, cushions, lamps and a single inflatable mattress.
-Sold a clothes rack on Gumtree for $20
-Kept the curling ribbon that was on some helium balloons that Mr 18's girlfriend had bought for him. I will use this for decorating our Christmas presents.
-Gratefully received a few food items from a friend.
-Made 2 chicken breasts stretch to feed 6 people by making chicken and vegetable pies. There was also enough to freeze for another meal.

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