Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Debt Progress

Our cash envelope system.

I haven't posted an update of our debt reduction in a while. I used to do monthly debt totals on my Instagram account, but found I wanted to focus a bit more on my everyday like my simple living, craft projects, cooking and the fun stuff!

In January this year, our mortgage was $75 537. Currently at just over 7 months later, it is at
$55 000.  It isn't easy at times- we are only human and habit of consumerism can be a hard one to break- but now I can see the total going down and have my eye on the prize!

To anyone who is working towards paying off their debt, it can be done! Set a goal and aim high.
For us we have cut out any unnecessary spending and any extra money made or what is not spent on essential items goes towards reducing the mortgage. That means sticking to a pretty tight budget, buying only basic foods in the grocery shopping and I make all meals and cleaning products from scratch. We have a vegetable garden and fruit trees, buy most items secondhand and give homemade gifts. Even doing one of these things can save hundreds of dollars a year!

Here are our debt totals for the last 7 months:


4/1/16- $75 537

31/1/16- $73 166

Total of $2371 PAID


1/2/16- $72 976

29/2/16- $68 322

Total of $ 4654 PAID

1/3/16- $68 132

31/3/16- $66 215

Total of $1917 PAID


4/4/16- $66 025

30/4/16- $63 718

Total of $2307 PAID!

11th May 2015- $93 381

19th May 2016- $62 469

 $30 912 paid in 12 months!


2/05/16- $63 529

30/05/16- $60 713

Total of $2816 Paid


6/6/16- $60 523

27/6/16- $58 754

Total of $1769 Paid


4/7/16- $58 564

31/7/16- $56 143
Total of $2421 Paid


  1. Mel, you and your family are doing an amazing job. It takes a lot of courage to lay your life out in the open for all to see, but is so valuable and offers much encouragement to your readers.
    Thank you.

    1. Dear Janine,
      Thank you so much. I hope folks realise it is indeed possible! xx

  2. Wow. That's amazing. I read your blog but don't think I've ever commented. I live in Reno,NV.

    You and your family should be proud of how much you have accomplished. This is so encouraging to all of us. Your hard work is paying off!

    1. Dear Crystal,
      Thanks for commenting here! Thanks for your positive encouragement. It means so much. xx

  3. Fantastic Mel! You are slaughtering it.....and setting a great example for all your readers.

    1. Dear Mr HM,
      Thank you! We have done better than I thought!

  4. Wow! This is just amazing, you won't regret it.

  5. Dear Rhonda,

    Thank you! It will be amazing to be debt free, hopefully before I turn 40 :) xx

  6. Hi Mel,
    I love your blog. I don't know if I've ever commented or not, but I found you through Annabel's blog quite some time ago. Your efforts are really amazing! Just look at how far your debt has come down. Truly, you are to be commended! I love your attitude, effort, and everything you share. I, too, am on a debt-reduction journey. We have a long way to go, but I believe it is totally worth the effort. I love your gifts and DIY, too.
    xxx Colette (USA)
